anne poitrenaud
abstract painter and sculptor
This series of square or double square formats is a return to nature, to deserted and bare immensities. Reflection around the power of nature, as much as the need for a post-Covid return to basics, this series is peppered with squares, like incongruous traces of human rationality on an inviolate nature.
"Misty backgrounds, with atmospheric perspectives, in which calligraphic traces are inscribed and, often, words, a verse or a sentence, taken from authors who inspire me."
Each of these paintings is a tribute to Arabic and Chinese calligraphic traditions, where painting and letters are intimately linked.
This series of small formats (20cmx20cm) is the expression of the artist's visual "alphabet", recurring and spontaneous abstract lines, tirelessly taken up, developed, associated, in larger format paintings, drawings, sculptures. Each line is isolated here in a small square, like a pixel, and develops its own poetry.
Return here to the origins of Western painting, homage to the masters of Italian painting from the hinge of the Quattrocento: Fra Angelico and Leonardo da Vinci. On gold backgrounds characteristic of sacred painting of the period, the main lines of major paintings of this "tipping point" are inscribed. Each of his paintings is inspired by the structure of a masterpiece reduced to its lines of force, like a sketching exercise taken to the extreme: the 'Maestà' and the 'Annunziazione' of Fra Angelico, and 'Saint Anne, the Virgin and Child' by Leonardo.
anne poitrenaud - painter and sculptor
SIRET 821 392 099 00015 - Maison des Artistes B 791255
© 2024 by anne poitrenaud